5 Portion Control Tips
Portion control is one of the most important things regardless of if you are trying to lose weight or just maintain.
The Benefits of that Post Dinner Walk
After dinner, we often fill sluggish and happy-full but instead of rushing off to sit on the couch and catch up on the latest new TV...
ShFIT Talk #14 - Loneliness & Fitness
Loneliness is unbiased and can affect anyone, no matter one's age, gender, race, religion, ethnicity and more.
Sliced Avocado w/ Hummus & Tomato on Toast
1/3 Avocado Sliced 2 Tbsp Hummus 2 Tomato Slices Black Pepper 1 Slice Whole Grain Toast Spread the hummus over the toast and sprinkle...
ShFIT Talk #13 - Body Image & Fitness
When we start our fitness journey, the one question we should all ask ourselves, REALLY ask ourselves is...who are we doing this for?